Tag: Summer

The Official Western Montana Travel & Tourism Blog

A Family Weekend at Placid Lake State Park

It’s probably no surprise that I love my family. Over the last five years, I’ve shared some of my favorite family memories with you on the blog. Side note: You can read about last year’s family reunion in Glacier National Park here and a wonderful week in Whitefish here. Well, I have another story to […]

Top Picks for August Activities in Western Montana

You guys, summer is almost over! Okay fine…I realize that may be a bit dramatic, but this summer has literally flown by so quickly. For example, I have yet to float the river. For a Montana girl, that is a total travesty. But I’m determined to put an end to the sweet days of summer slipping from my grasp right here and now.

Playing on Flathead Lake

I’m going to admit it: I played hooky from work yesterday afternoon. And yes, I’m fully aware that it’s not the most responsible thing I’ve ever done. But I just needed to. Why?

A Memorable Trip to Montana’s Glacier National Park

If you ask me, any visit to Glacier National Park is memorable. But my most recent trip to the park was extra memorable. Why? Well, a few reasons really. It was early June, the weather was perfect and I was in the Crown of the Continent with five of my favorites: Kristin, Jade, Spencer, Kent and Caanan. It was literally one of my favorite trips to the park.

Playing in Montana’s Seeley-Swan Valley

*Earlier this month, five friends made the trek to Western Montana to explore the region with me. In our seven days together, we had numerous adventures. So many in fact, that I’m breaking the trip up into multiple blog posts. Read about the first leg of our journey here. 

Exploring Missoula, Montana

You guys, I just had one of the most fun weeks ever. Why? Because I was able to spend it exploring Western Montana with five of my favorite humans.

A Montana Girl’s Love Letter to 2013

Well, another year has come and gone. And to be honest, I can hardly believe it! It’s like the older I get, the faster time seems to go. (Side note: I’m beginning to sound like my mama!) While time continues to sprint away from me, I can say with much satisfaction that 2013 was a […]

Montana: Here’s Looking at You

This summer, Montana has been showing off in a big way. With her big blue sky and wide-open spaces, it’s no wonder. Let’s face it—she’s kind of the perfect package. She’s gorgeous, cool and unpretentious, with an enthralling history that leaves you intrigued and wanting to learn more. And if you find yourself falling in […]

Montana: Sometimes There Are No Words

Every once in a while, there are moments when this girl wonders if the last few days have been real. Once such moment happened last week. I’d been on the road for work for several days and had seen some pretty amazing Montana moments along the way. As I was searching for the words to […]

Exploring Montana’s Rocky Mountains

Last weekend, I headed for the land of my birth: the Rocky Mountain Front of Montana. Because let’s face it, every once in a while a girl needs to make a break for it and head for home. Going home is like bringing peace to my heart. I’m not sure if it’s the land opening […]

The Latest From Glacier Country

Hidden Gem Shopping Spots in Glacier Country

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Spring Seven: Western Montana’s Early Spring Must Do List

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Curated Culture: Museums in Glacier Country Montana

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Spring Break in Western Montana

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