It’s almost summer here in Montana. Okay, not really, but it is coming quickly…either way, summer is on my mind. And because I love it so much, I feel like I should set a goal for “Summer 2011.”
My quest is this…to find the cutest of the cute, handsomest of the handsome and manliest of the manly men that Montana has to offer. (It’s affectionately called Mantana for a reason).

We have some cuties here in Big Sky Country, from Whitefish to Miles City and Bozeman to Lewistown. My theory is that here, with majestic mountains, sweeping plains, fresh air and pure water, the men just grow a little better.
Clarification: I am an equal opportunist when it comes to men…I practically love them all, but there’s something about a Montana man that sweeps me off my feet.
Here’s what I dig about Montana boys…
1) They’re strong.
2) They have good manners. (Well, most of them do anyway. ;))
3) Chivalry is not dead here. (If it is, we’ll call my mama…she’ll set any non-chivalrous men straight).
4) They are versatile. Whether it’s kayaking a river, starting a fire or busting a move on the dance floor, they’ve got it covered.
5) Their reputation precedes them. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard, “Ooh, Montana? You have the cutest cowboys!” Agreed.
So for the next few months, I’ll be packing my camera around in my quest to capture, through the art of photography of course, the cream of the crop of Montana men.
Oh and don’t worry about thanking me, I’m happy to do it.
April 21, 2011
Related: About, Exclude, Montana, Spring Fun