*This week’s blog isn’t really about an event or specific experience. Instead, it’s just me telling you a story. Don’t worry, we’ll get back to business next week.*
I’m a true, blue, through and through Montana girl. I was raised on the Rocky Mountain Front or as many like to refer to it: the east side. Many Montana girls think that we’re tough, but I think that’s even more true for those of us from the east side.
And while I am from the east side (holla!) I was a girly little girl. My older sister was a tomboy, so I happily took on the role of the girly child. And while I’ve become less girly over time, there are a few things that have remained consistent: my dimples, the gap in my teeth and my messy hair.

Though I was a bit more prissy than my sissy, we grew up working hard.
Work was something that bonded our family together. Sure, we had family parties, but many of our gathering were dubbed “WORK PARTIES.” Where, as the name implies, we’d all get together and help someone in the family with a project.

Over the years, this included painting, tearing down old buildings, picking rock, fencing, moving cattle and fixing up a feedlot or two.

And call us crazy (because we’re crazy fun), but this was something that was and is still much loved.

Anyway, to this day people laugh (or simply don’t believe it) when I tell them where I’m from. This could be because I like to wear gowns and high heels (thank you mom) or because they expect something a little different than me. I’ve even been asked if my cowboy boots are for show or if I actually wear them. To which I say: they’re legit.

I realize I may be partial, but I think Montana girls know what’s up. We’re a sweet, spicy and fresh made up of wide open country, big hugs, a helping hand, genuine friendliness and a side of lip gloss. Don’t believe it? Come see for yourself.
February 25, 2011