This was the year. The year we decided to take a family vacation. That’s right, a FAMILY vacation…one with my folks, all my siblings/spouses and two of the cutest nephews in all of the land.
This may not seem like a big momentous occasion, but for our family getting everyone together is no small feat. The big sis and her hubbster live in NYC and don’t make it home often, my parents have a few jobs that keep them busy, and this is the first summer the little bro has been home with his own little family without being gone for chunks of the summer.
Long story short: We were so excited to vacation as a family!
And did we ever vacation. And just to spice it up even more, we had two cousins and their families join us for part of the trip. Which for this Montana girl means pure perfection.
Our trip had us playing in Whitefish, zipping down Big Mountain, driving through Glacier National Park (combined with short hikes and numerous photo opportunities), jet skiing on Whitefish Lake and spending time together under Montana’s big blue sky.
Here are some photos from our perfect week of playing…

And from our family to yours, if you’re thinking of vacationing in Western Montana, you won’t be disappointed. Heck, we’ll even help you plan your trip!
August 20, 2010
Related: Glacier National Park, Summer Fun, Vacation, Whitefish