I’m just gonna say it: I totally heart Christmas and everything associated with it. In my mind, it really is the “most wonderful time of the year.” If there were only a few words to describe Christmastime, they would have to be magical, wonderful and a time of love. There’s something about this time of year that makes people’s hearts softer, kinder and more understanding. And, I love that about Christmas.

In my family, Christmas has always been a big deal. Growing up, a year did not pass where our extended family didn’t spend Christmas Eve together. For many years, about 40 – 60 of us would gather together and celebrate with annual traditions like singing The Twelve Days of Christmas, caroling (often with live donkeys and camels), a nativity and plenty of food, teasing and hugs and kisses.

A few cousins at a recent Christmas Eve gathering.
A few cousins at a recent Christmas Eve gathering.

As time has went on and people have gotten older, our Christmas Eve has evolved and now includes an open house at my family’s store, complete with singing, some sweet elf dance moves and plenty of holiday cheer in the form of food and treats.

This is real, people. (I'm telling you, Christmas is magic).
This is real, people. (I’m telling you, Christmas is magic).
Three little elves.
Three little elves.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas,

December 20, 2013

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Jeff Picard
I love your tree! Hope you and your "elf" have a very Merry Christmas!

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