I don’t know about all of you, but this summer feels like it’s cruising past at an excessive speed…if we were to clock it, I’d say this summer character is going 80 MPH in a clearly marked 45 MPH residential zone. And I’ll tell you this much, if I was a cop I’d totally give summer a ticket.
While I really want to tell summer to just “hold your horses” in my sternest mom voice, I’m afraid it’s not a strong listener. But instead of lamenting at how fast summer travels, how reckless she is with our sun-loving feelings and her need for speed, I’m simply trying to soak up as many Montana moments as possible.
Here’s a recap of the summer so far through snapshots…

All I can say is this: A tip of the hat to you summer for the fun you bring, the memories you make.
Happy, happy summer.
PS: Have a summer snapshot from your travels in and around Montana? Share it on our facebook page.
August 3, 2012
Related: Food, Glacier National Park, Missoula, Montana, Outdoor Fun, Road Trips, Summer Fun