September was awesome. “Why?” you may ask. Well, it’s simple. There’s nothing quite like paddling a 46-foot-long dragon boat on the incredibly beautiful waters of Flathead Lake with 20 of your friends.

Let me explain…in early September the inaugural Montana Dragon Boat Festival on Flathead Lake was held. The festival brought more than 56 teams and 1,200 paddlers together for an epic day of racing at Flathead Lake Lodge. And, since the crew around here loves to do fun things and is a TAD bit competitive, we thought it would be fun to enter our own team in the race.

Please meet the “Glacier Country Water Warriors.”

Go Water Warriors!

The day meant blue skies, fun races, plenty of learning how to work together, local food, spectators and an art fair. In other word, it was Montana perfection.

And while we didn’t win the race (for the record we tanked on the first race, but won our second heat!), you better believe we’ll be back next year as we’re officially dragon boating converts.

Our team captain!

The paddle out to the start of our second race...we finally got our groove on.
Apparently something was REALLY funny.
Warrior style, yo.

Water Warriors Forever.


PS: If you didn’t have a chance to participate in this year’s race, mark your calendar for September 7, 2013 for next year’s festival. To stay connected with the latest event news, head on over and give them a like on their facebook page.

September 19, 2012

Related: Bigfork, Events, Flathead Corridor, Outdoor Fun


Eric Marshall
Hey Water Warriors, I really enjoyed meeting everyone and steering for your team in the Montana Dragon Boat Festival. I missed you on Sunday, my team (Cracked Paddles, Lethbridge, Alberta) won silver in 'D' division. I also steered for 3 or 4 other teams on Sunday and helped a few win medals but 'Water Warriors' were my favorite :) I hope to see you all next year! Thanks for the T-shirt, Eric

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