Earlier this week, I grabbed my trusty boots, pinned up my crazy blond hair and headed to one of Northwest Montana’s loveliest locations: The Tobacco Valley.
Located about 45 minutes from Whitefish and approximately five minutes from the Canadian border is the community of Eureka, Montana. Eureka is the hub of the Tobacco Valley and home to about 1,500 residents. It’s also a popular stopping point for travelers going to and from Canada.
But don’t let that fool you. Even though Eureka is home to the Port of Roosville (open 24 hours/day), the area is much more than just a place to cross the border.
During my time in the Tobacco Valley, I strolled through downtown, ate at an organic diner (so good!) and met plenty of friendly warm-your-heart folks.

And I realized something that I probably already knew: Eureka is a treasure. It’s one of those communities that makes you want to stop and stay a while, golf a round (or two) with a local boy, hit the waters to boat and fish or explore the incredible hiking terrain found all around the valley.
But enough of me telling you about it. Here’s a little peak…

For more information on Eureka, click here or visit the Eureka Area Chamber of Commerce website here.
Meet you in the Tobacco Valley…next weekend work for you?
May 12, 2011
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