Summer is almost over. You know it, I know it — we all know it. And while it makes me a little bit sad, I’m trying to put on my big girl pants and relish in the last days of the Montana summer.
To make good on that goal, my best friend came out to Montana from Chicago for the long weekend. Call it lucky, blessed or fortunate, I grew up along the Rocky Mountain Front a literal stone’s throw from the Rocky Mountains. To this day, it’s still one of my favorite places in the world. So on Labor Day, we loaded up the troops (also known as my family) and headed into the heart of the mountains to one of our favorite places—Gibson Dam.
Along the way, we chatted, teased and just soaked in the surrounding scenery as it turned from rolling foothills to massive mountains of rock that lay before us.
It was a good day. And it’s been an excellent summer.
September 5, 2014
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