This past week, tourism folks and partners gathered in Helena (our state’s capital) for the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism and Recreation. If there’s one thing I can say about my colleagues, it’s that everyone in this industry has a passion for Montana, travel and tourism. ..which is awesome.
We were able to spend two and a half days with each other networking, listening to speakers and participating in workshops to help us further promote the wonderful place we call home.
Each year at the conference, awards are given to “Tourism Person of the Year,” “Event of the Year” and “Partnership of the Year.” And this year, we were tickled pink that TWO of the winners were from Glacier Country!
First up: Event of hte Year. The Missoula Marathon won!
Sidenote: the marathon is Sunday, July 10…see you here?
The Glacier Centennial Celebration won partnership of the year, with special appreciation given to Kassandra Hardy, the Centennial Coordinator. And while Kass has left us (we miss her!) to work in Yosemite, she came up for the conference. Kass did an extraordinary job creating partnerships and building relationships for the park’s Centennial. Special shout out to Ms. Hardy for all of her work!
Additional elements of the conference included a Sunday evening welcome reception, with the Montana Office of Tourism band lovingly called “Banned in Sweden.”
This crazy-haired blond girl, along with Glacier Country’s own Ed DeRosier, participated as special guest artists.
We had a wonderful time at the conference and were truly honored to be part of Glacier’s Centennial Celebration. Here’s to many more years growing as an industry, promoting the region we love and protecting and loving our national park.
April 1, 2011
Related: Road Trips